report no.: 028
informant: Nietzsche Channel
source: Nietzsche, Friedrich: On the Genealogy of Morals, §14
location: Berlin
—once again I remind readers who have ears of Eugene Dühring,
that apostle of revenge from Berlin, who in today's Germany makes
the most indecent and most revolting use of moralistic gibberish—Dühring,
the pre-eminent moral braggart we have nowadays, even among those
like him, the anti-Semites). They are all men of resentment, these
physiologically impaired and worm-eaten men, a totally quivering
earthly kingdom of subterranean revenge, inexhaustible, insatiable
in its outbursts against the fortunate, and equally in its masquerades
of revenge, its pretexts for revenge. When would they attain their
ultimate, most refined, most sublime triumph of revenge?