report no.: 103
informant: Richie 1998 (367)
source: On his early influence on the Auf Gut Deutsch see Albert
Reich, Dietrich Eckart (Munich, 1933). On his influence on Hitler
see Mosse, The Crisis of German Ideology, pp. 296–8. Arthur
Möller van der Bruck, Das dritte Reich (Hamburg, 1931).
date: 1919–1930s
Dietrich Eckart befriended Adolf Hitler in 1919 and introduced
him to völkisch ideas through his seething anti-Semitic smear
sheet Auf gut Deutsch (In Plain German). In 1919 Eckart outlined
his idea of the furture savior of Germany, insisting, amongst other
things, that he 'must be bachelor'. Hitler's disgusting chapter
on syphillis in Mein Kampf, in which he displayed an almost pathological
hatred of women, was inspired by this unpleasant character. Hitler
ended Mein Kampf with a dedication to him and later named of the
massive Olympic complex in Berlin after him.