Official Document
Title: Temporary Office of Interpretation
Type: INS Inspectorate Brief: Anthony Auerbach
Authorised: General Secretary, First Committee, INS
Authorisation Code: TMcC270406
Document follows
1. As part of the work of the INS Inspectorate Berlin, INS Chief
of Propaganda (Archiving and Epistemological Critique) Anthony Auerbach
shall travel to Bratislava to set up a Temporary Office of Interpretation
2. The purpose of TOI shall be to work on material obtained in
Berlin, World Capital of Death, 3–28 May 2005. Material includes
aerial reconnaissnce surveys carried out by Auerbach and other documents.
3. TOI shall use the exhibition Pantheon: Heroes and Anti-Monuments
at Galéria Medium (Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Bratislava
814 37, Slovakia, 18 May–11 June 2006) as a host structure
for an interpretative apparatus.
4. Findings on the following themes will be of particular interest
to the Inspectorate: marking and erasure; crypts and cryptography;
abyssal surfaces; neurotic symptoms (repression, repetition); counting
and recounting.
5. Auerbach shall report to the INS Inspectorate.
Document Ends